PHOTOS Jenelle Evans and Kieffer Delp arrive for yet another court date

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans and boyfriend Kieffer Delp

Gather round the ol’ Teen Mom campfire everybody because it’s time for what is becoming a near weekly event here at Starcasm; the Jenelle Evans and or Kieffer Delp arrive for a court date photos post!

Ah yes, it looks like our favorite “been in trouble with the law since the day they was born” couple from Oak Island, North Carolina were back among friends as the two showed AND smacked face for court appearances that are getting hard to keep up with!

Are Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans and Kieffer Delp back together?

According to Splash News the couple were there in regards to Jenelle having filed assault charges against Delp.  In a previous post we highlighted the fact that Delp had brought Evans to court over the destruction of his iPhone. There’s also the long standing issue of breaking and entering that the two faced as well as multiple additional charges for Delp including marijuana possession. Confusin’!

I’ll just admit it, I got no idea exactly which alleged law-breaking circumstance Jeneifer were up at the courthouse for today. I just know they were there, and before hand were getting real close out by the Antioch Baptist Church sign. Might I add that Delp was wearing what can now officially be labeled his uniform, which would be the Army green Abercrombie & Fitch hoodie which was painfully absent from our top 5 favorite inanimate objects from Teen Mom list.

Here’s the photo with the sign that read “A family altar can alter a family:”

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans hugs boyfriend Kieffer Delp near a church

Our crack team of photoshoppers have decided to do an alteration or two to the sign’s slogan for a more appropriate theme to relate to the lives of Jenelle and Kieffer.

Here are a couple we came up with:

Jenelle and Kieffer inspired church sign

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans and boyfriend Kieffer Delp by a Photoshopped church sign

As the two left the courthouse together for God knows what they informed the photographers that they might be getting back together.  Dr. Drew and heaven help us! Actually you devoted Teen Mom watchers can help me too by letting us know for sure why Jenelle and Kieffer were in court today by commenting below. Thanks for any tips!

UPDATE: Thanks to reader jondeeremom131 for hunting down the Brunswick County court schedule. It appears that it was all our boy Kieffer and the charges were numerous to say the least. He was there for assault on a female, injury to personal property, marijuana and drug paraphernalia possession, breaking and entering, resisting a public officer and simple assault.

Photos: PAPSFIRST / Splash News

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