PHOTOS Shirtless paddle boarding Bruce-off: Jenner vs. Springsteen

Bruce Jenner paddle boarding shirtless

Sometimes we got so high off all the special k in the Kardashian clan that we forget to give papa Bruce Jenner his props. Well, consider this pops-props time as we highlight Jenner’s sizzling Aegean paddle boarding outing that’s spreading like wildfire across the internets!

The 63-year-old former gold-winning Olympic decathlete showed off his wares yesterday as he enjoyed some fun in the sun on the Aegean sea while the first family of reality got their vacay on in Greece.

Like they say, part of making yourself hot is to surround yourself with less sexy dudes. Bruce might have taken the wrong track in that vein as he was photographed alongside his muscular and handsome son, Brody Jenner.

Shirtless Brody Jenner

Unphazed, the father-of-6 who was once the most famous athlete in all of the world, continued to show his boys and the world that he’s still got it as he enjoyed the exercise for over an hour. As fans of the Kardashian shows know, Bruce can roll with the flow as well as anyone and he certainly looked at ease while enjoying some quality family time.

Can’t you just hear all those Europeans screaming BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCEEEEE at the top of their lungs? Hold on, my sources indicate that this cheering I hear is most likely associated with Bruce Springsteen’s current European leg of his Wrecking Ball tour.


Hey, There’s always room for more shirtless, paddle boarding, AARP Bruces (gallery of the other Bruce here)! Tramps like these, baby they were born to sun!

Oh heck, why not — many of our competitor sites like to throw down with a “who’d you rather” so let’s do a paddle boarding Bruce-off! Here’s a side-by-side and let us know which Bruce gets your juice a flowin’.

Bruce Jenner vs. Bruce Springsteen

Battle of the shirtless Bruces

Bruce-deuces are wild and hot y’all!

Jenner: Brian Prahl/Splash | Springsteen: Spread Pictures/Fame Pictures

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