PHOTOS Real World alums Madison and Tony welcome baby girl

Madison and Tony

After appearing together on The Real World Skeletons, cast members Tony and Madison took their casual, on-screen hookups off-screen when they became an official couple after filming ended.

Last August, we reported the pair were expecting their first child together. Madison broke the news to her fans via Instagram:


One of the happiest moments of my life. Being able to see our sweet little angel growing inside of me and I couldn’t feel more blessed than to have you by my side @t_raines I love you baby, I already know your going to be the most amazing father.


We’re happy to report their baby girl has finally arrived!

Tony, Madison, and Shane (Tony’s brother and Challenge partner) confirmed the news of a healthy, 6 pound, 15 ounce little girl named Harper.

Baby Harper

Baby Harper 3

It looks like Madison and Tony were able to put their relationship drama behind them to enjoy the birth of their daughter. Back in September, the couple unexpectedly announced they were going their separate ways. Madison and Tony remained tight-lipped when it came to the reason for the break-up, but most speculate it had to do with Tony’s infidelity.

While appearing on The Challenge Battle of the Bloodlines, Tony had a brief hook-up with another cast member, Christina LeBlanc from Are You the One?, almost immediately after settling into the house.

Since then, Madison and Tony’s relationship has remained amicable in anticipation of their daughter’s birth. Neither Tony or Madison have confirmed the current status of their relationship, but many believe the pair have rekindled their romance just in time for Harper’s arrival.

Congrats to Madison and Tony! We wish them all the best!

PHOTOS: Instagram/Twitter

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