PHOTOS New season of Teen Mom OG? MTV was filming at Farrah Abraham’s furniture store grand opening

Furnished By Farrah grand opening photos

Teen Mom OG star Farrah Abraham continues to expand her already huge business empire! Less than six months after opening the doors of her Froco frozen yogurt shop, Farrah officially cut the ribbon on two new Austin area brick and mortar businesses this weekend: her Furnished By Farrah furniture store and her daughter’s Sophia Laurent Children’s Boutique.

The two retail stores are located next door to each other in the Oaks at Lakeway development in the West Austin suburb of Lakeway, just around the corner from Froco. The Furnished By Farrah ribbon cutting was first, and when I arrived the party had already started!

Furnished By Farrah grand opnening poster
* I should point out that Farrah’s furniture store has actually been open for a while (I visited it a few weeks ago), but Sunday was the official grand opening.

Visitors were greeted by the sounds of DJ out on the sidewalk blasting Christmas music, and there was an elaborate spread of drinks and hors d’oeuvres inside, including Mom & Me wine and Mom & Me food products of course. In addition, Farrah had a very charismatic and extremely talented balloon artist creating fun animals and crazy hats for the youngins as well as color-coordinated corsages for the adults (including Farrah and her mom Debra).

In addition to the entertainment, the event also featured an MTV camera crew capturing all the festivities. Given that the cast had already filmed their brawl-inducing Reunion show, I wondered if they might be filming for Debra Danielsen’s upcoming Being Deb special, but after speaking with some of those in attendance, every indication is that it was for a brand new season of Teen Mom OG! (There has been some speculation that the prior season would be the show’s last, but that does not appear to be the case.)

Here’s a photo of the MTV crew in action — you can see Farrah in the backround (with long blonde hair and a blue dress):

MTV filming new season of Teen Mom OG at Furnished By Farrah Abraham store grand opening?

As far as the store itself, I was impressed on my prior visit, but it looked even better this time around. It’s a relatively small space for a furniture store, and on my prior visit it felt a bit jammed with stuff. (Not in a way that impacted shopability, just the aesthetic impact.) But prior to the grand opening, Farrah and her crew had done an amazing job tweaking things to be able to display a LOT of inventory in a very tight space without feeling like it was a LOT of inventory in a very tight space.

Farrah Abraham furniture store photo bed

One display literally made me laugh out loud because I instantly thought to myself, “This HAD to be influenced by Simon Saran because it looks exactly like I imagine his boyhood bedroom must have looked!” Here’s a photo, which includes a luxury car bed, “HERO” pillows, a miniature T-Rex skeleton, and paintings of dogs in shirts — including a spitting image of Simon’s English bulldog Molly:

Simon Saran boy's bedroom Furnished By Farrah

Here’s another photo of a bedroom arrangement that seems to capture the store’s hip and playful vibe:

Furnished By Farrah Abraham photo

While hanging out in the front of the store sampling some JUGO Juicery juice I bumped into Farrah, and I swear I got a contact stress buzz from her! There were literal jugglers at the Sophia Laurent Children’s Boutique opening, but none of them had as many balls in the air as Farrah! There was sooooooooooo much going on between the two grand openings (did I mention the kids’ fashion show next door yet?) and it was clear that Farrah hadn’t delegated much at all. And in addition to being in charge of all the opening activities, Farrah was greeting most everyone in attendance and posing for photos. Ugh, my stress levels are going up again just writing about it.

OK, that’s pretty much all I have from the furniture store opening. Stay tuned for the recap of the Sophia Laurent Children’s Boutique grand opening with lots more photos — including Farrah and Sophia!


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