PHOTOS Donald Sterling and new mistress flaunt romance in Palm Desert

Donald Sterling

Donald Sterling, the wealthy embattled owner of the Los Angeles Clippers who gained notoriety for his racist comments, was seen out-and-about with a black mistress last weekend. Really makes you wonder about the young woman’s motivations, doesn’t it?

Radar Online reports the 80-year-old — who is still legally married — openly flaunted his relationship with the new woman during a weekend stay at the JW Marriott resort in Palm Desert, Calif.

“He was shopping at Saks with a new black girl,” a source said. “He didn’t seem to have a care in the world and it looked pretty clear why that chick was with him. They were being really affectionate with each other.”

The pair was also surreptitiously photographed hanging out by the pool.

Donald Sterling New Mistress

After Sterling’s racism controversy erupted in April, longtime girlfriend V. Stiviano denied having a romantic relationship with the geriatric non-gentleman — although she had no problem accepting cars, money and other perks. Now that she’s out of the picture and all that Sterling’s willing to do for a lady friend is common knowledge, I guess it was only a matter of time before another opportunist showed up…

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