PHOTOS BIO Jennifer Del Rio from 16 and Pregnant Season 3

Jennifer Del Rio gets a sonogram in the 16 and Pregnant Season 3 trailer

On April 19 MTV begins a third season of their immensely popular reality series 16 and Pregnant, introducing us to ten new girls who are struggling with becoming moms too soon. As is our tradition here at starcasm we will try to profile all ten of the girls with photos and biographical information cobbled together from various sites all over the web.

First up is 17-tear-old Jennifer Del Rio of Riverview, Florida who is already the subject of headlines on sites such as the New York Post thanks to a scene from the season 3 trailer in which she pummels baby daddy Josh with her fists before yelling “Say goodbye to your kids, Josh. You will never see them again,” as he is shown being taken away by police in cuffs. (Drama anyone?!?)

UPDATE – For details on Josh’s arrest and his mug shot CLICK HERE.

Jennifer Del Rio attacks Josh in the 16 and Pregnant Season 3 trailer

Here’s the trailer – you can see the now-infamous scene at around the 1:20 mark:

And here’s the 411 on Jennifer:

Full name: Jennifer Cherie Del Rio
Born: October 20, 1993
Hometown: Riverview, Florida
Age (at time of giving birth): 16
High School: Durant High School in Plant City, Florida
Graduation status: Not graduated, currently working on her GED
Babies daddy’s name: Joshua (Josh) Smith, 19
(CLICK HERE for Josh’s mug shot as well as details from a restraining order taken out by Jennifer in March)


16 and Pregnant's Jennifer Del Rio celebrates Christmas with sons Josh and Noah

Fraternal Twins: Joshua Devan and Noah Matthew
Birthdays: October 11, 2010
Josh was 4lb 10oz and Noah was 4lb 12 oz
Josh was born at 10:17am and Noah was born at 10:18am
The twins had baby daddy Josh’s last name (Smith) as of 4 months ago
The birth was a planned C-section.
Jennifer says on her Facebook page that the twins were preemies.

Jennifer Del Rio from 16 and Pregnant holds her son

Here is an informative Q&A from Jennifer Del Rio’s Formspring page, run by her close friend Ashley Thomas:

How old was Jennifer when she was pregnant and had the babies? How did her parents react when she told them she was pregnant? How did the babies’ dad react?

Jenn was 16 (10th grade) when she got pregnant & gave birth. She turned 17 a week after giving birth. Her mom was very sad. Her dad was angry and didn’t want her to have a baby. Josh, the babies’ daddy, was very shocked. He didn’t know what to say.

And here are some random facts about Jennifer:

She craved pickles while pregnant.

If the twins had been girls their names would have been Victoria and Cherie.

Jennifer and the twins currently live with her parents.

She loves Panera Bread.

Preview snippet from MTV:


UPDATE – Jennifer has revealed on her Facebook account that Noah has been having some medical problems. She updated on April 2 after a trip to the hospital:

Ok, so I know everyone is wanting to know what is wrong with noah. So, I guess Ill shear it with yall… He has two inlarged ventricles in his head and a hole in his heart. They said either of them shouldnt cause any issues. We have to take noah back in 3 months to see if the hole has closed though.Besides all that hes a healthy baby 🙂

Sounds positive! I will update if there is more info.

Stay tuned for profiles on the other girls – and if you see any errors feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at starcasmtips (at) and I will make the corrections! (Jordan Ward’s profile is up and there’s LOTS of photos, videos and info!)

Jennifer Del Rio from 16 and Pregnant shows off her beautiful twin sons Josh and Noah

Jennifer, Noah and Josh definitely take the trophy for most adorable trio! I can’t wait to see their story!

16 and Pregnant premieres on MTV on April 19 at 10/9c.

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