PHOTOS AnnaLynne McCord and Angel McCord bikini beach volleyball!

AnnaLynne McCord bikini

Just as robins have historically ushered in the spring, us celebrity bloggers know summer is fast approaching when hot cable television starlets start showing up on California beaches in teeny tiny bikinis! Such was the case Saturday when the always-jubilant and skinnytastic star of 90210 AnnaLynne McCord took to Hermosa Beach in a lasciviously luscious lil lemon bikini to play a bit of beach volleyball with sister Angel McCord:

AnnaLynne McCord poses in a sexy bikini on Hermosa Beach

I have to confess that I don’t know much about 90210 and I can’t really say if I’ve ever seen AnnaLynne act, but she is almost always a bright spot in my morning photo perusals, seemingly always ready with a smile, wearing some sort of sexy fun outfit and constantly blowing kisses to the camera. She’s no Lady Gaga, Katy Perry or Phoebe Price, but I gotta give some props to little Miss Sunshine!

Case in point: playing beach volleyball in the sand while the paparazzi are all about can lead to some rather compromising pictures, but that’s just part of the fun for AnnaLynne. Here she is looking like a sexy puppy wagging her tail for for all of us to see:

Is there such a thing as yellow moon fever? I think I’ve got it pretty bad!

AnnaLynne wasn’t showing butt and kicking butt alone, though! She had her sister Angel McCord on her side, who was looking pretty good herself in a black bikini with gray stripes:

Angel McCord bikini photo

Angel is proving you don’t need a lot of curves to be a bikini bliss hottie! That’s the kind of girl you spend the best summer of your life with – riding around in her jeep, surfing all day and drinking Coronas around a campfire in the evenings…

Where was I? Oh – bikini volleyball photos. Here are some more assorted pictures from the photo shoot, including one in which the McCord sisters embrace in a passionate victory kiss!

(Click thumbnails for larger images in the gallery)

Photos: MAC/Fame Pictures (Hermosa Beach, California April 17, 2010)

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