PHOTOS Adrianne Curry as Aeon Flux tossed from Comic-Con

Adrianne Curry Comic-Con 2011

Adrianne Curry was back at it again rocking a provocative outfit to this year’s Comic-Con in San Diego. If you’re having a hard time remembering who Adrianne is, she was the first winner of America’s Top Model and the former wife of Christopher Knight (the dude who played Peter Brady). She’s a self-professed sci-fi nut and as she labels herself on Twitter, “Mistress of the Dorks.”

Well she wore the above Aeon Flux costume and caused such a stir that police escorted her away and sent her home. She seems to have taken it all in stride as she tweeted what happened:

The butt, sigh, was my nerdified reaction to the get-up. I was reminded of when Adrianne went as a barely costumed Princess Lea in Orlando when she was attacked by a man outside of her hotel. There weren’t as much dramatics here but there was some serious Adrianne skin and that’s never a bad thing in my (comic) book.

Adrianne Curry Aeon Flux Comic-Con 2011

She returned to the event later rocking a skin-tight latex, yet more publicly acceptable costume, as she went with an old stand-by in the form of what she calls her “Imperial Dominatrix Outfit.” Okay you can see it!

Adrianne Curry licks boobs of friend Katrina

In case that’s not enough to fully appreciate her back-up get-up here’s a photo she tweeted that she simply and aptly called, “Imperial B00bies.”

She later said good-bye to Comic-Con 2011 in classic Adrianne tweet-style:

“bye comic con! epic…EPIC nights out with great peeps and new friends! Off to meet one of my guild officers 😛 see ya next year, san diego”

We’ll be counting down the days Adrianne!

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