PHOTOS 2013 Joe and Melissa Gorga family Christmas card

2013 Melissa Gorga family Christmas card photos

We just shared the Poinsettiapaloozariffic 2013 Giudice family Christmas card so of course we have to maintain our “fair and balanced” coverage of The Real Housewives of New Jersey by sharing the 2013 Gorga family Christmas card too!

Melissa and Joe Gorga 2013 Christmas card photo

Whereas the Giudice family took to the great outdoors for their holiday card, the Gorga’s kept it inside — both inside the house (with the sultry ho-ho-homantic shot of Melissa and Joe by the fire above) as well as inside ornaments with this fun shot of the kid’s trapped inside of Christmas baubles!

Melissa Gorga's children Antonia Gino and Joey Christmas card 2013 ornaments

“Happy Holidays!!! Love, Antonia, Gino, & Joey!! Enjoy the laughter,” Melissa tweeted along with the fun ornament photo.


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