PHOTO Tiger Woods fan headgear

Tiger Woods fan Nate Lauber paid tribute to his idol during a practice round for the 92nd PGA Golf Championship by sporting one of the most elaborate examples of sports fan paraphernalia ever created! It’s a hat that includes a sculpted tiger, a golfball on a tee with corresponding club and a big hunk of cheese in honor of Wisconsin, where the PGA Championship is being held.

(The photo service claims it’s some guy named Nate Lauber – but I think he looks suspiciously like John Daly!)

I can’t help but admire the over-the-topness of this bizarro headgear, but I still prefer my Tiger Woods fans to dress in a more traditional manner like this fellow:

Tiger Woods pimp costume

You too can root on the former Tiger Woods as he competes in the 92nd PGA Championship at Whistling Straights in Kohler, Wisconsin beginning Thursday, August 12, 2010. The tournament runs through Sunday, August 15.

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