PHOTO Teen Mom Farrah Abraham and Sophia ride a camel

Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham rides a camel with daughter Sophia in Arizona

Just a day late for hump day Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham tweeted this photo of herself and daughter Sophia enjoying a ride on a camel in Arizona. (Click photo to enlarge) The photo was paired with this caption from Farrah:

We love riding camals! ! Xo

I applaud Farrah for her photo-editing abilities and how she managed to avoid showing any camel toe at all 😉

Farrah and Sophia were in Scottsdale, Arizona over the New Year’s holiday to visit family and judging from Farrah’s Twitter comments, they had a real blast! Here are a couple of the tweets from the last couple days:

Sophia and i love our family in AZ! We need to come visit more often xo

Omg …Arizona I loved every second 🙂 good time

Unlike Amber, Farrah seems to be handling the fame and fortune quite well! The only camels poor Leah sees are on cigarette packs.

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