PHOTO Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska bought a house

Teen Mom 2 Chelsea Houska House

Chelsea Houska bought a house-ka, guys!

The South Dakota single momma closed on a lovely home this week, ending her spree of hopping from rental to rental. (I didn’t keep tally of the number of times Chelsea and Jenelle moved in the past few years, but they seem to be neck-and-neck.)

The closing seemed to be a while coming, as Chelsea responded to a person on Twitter nearly a month ago that she was buying a home.

“So last time I’ll have to move for a long time,” she said on Feb. 25.

Leading up to the move, Chelsea got some help from dad Randy Houska — but only with dog-sitting.

There also seem to be broad misconceptions that Randy paid Chelsea’s rent throughout the past couple of years. He set the record straight on that, telling people on Twitter that Chelsea’s financially independent. Considering Chelsea now works as an esthetician and has MTV money saved, that shouldn’t be hard to believe.

Besides being good at saving, buying a home also proves Chelsea’s responsible when it comes to investments. Hopefully she and Aubree can enjoy their new home for many years to come!

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