PHOTO Rachel Nichols as Tamara “Conan the Barbarian” character poster
It’s the tales of a muscular brute who comes into power guided by his mighty weapon. But enough about Arnold Schwarzenegger, this is a post about Conan the Barbarian!
August 19, 2011 marks the date of the premiere of Marcus Nispel’s reboot of the much-beloved Conan movie franchise starring the brutish Jason Momoa as the sword-brandishing barbarian. (Momoa is currently enjoying a great deal of success from a similar role as Dothraki Khal Drogo on HBO’s critically acclaimed series Game of Thrones.)
But this post isn’t about Momoa and CoCo, it’s about his love interest in the film, Tamara – played by actress Rachel Nichols. Tamara, seen in the above character poster from Lions Gate Entertainment and Millennium Films, is in training to be the Queen’s servant and bodyguard at a monastery when she meets up with Conan. Then, I’m sure something dramatic happens where lots of the monks die or something and she rides with The Big Man to avenge their deaths… Regardless of the plot, Rachel Nichols is downright Dungeons and Damn sexy and that’s all that matters right now! (Click image for a super ginormous wallpaper image that is dang near life-sized!)
I don’t know about “3D” though – those look more like a C to me
***NERD ALERT*** Although being a red-blooded straight man means I greatly admire her armored plunging neckline, but being 18% Comic Book Guy I question the wisdom of it as far as battle goes. It seems to invite a rather unfortunate alternate definition to “cleavage” don’t you think?