PHOTO Mark Zuckerberg stalker Pradeep Manukonda

Pradeep Manukonda Mark Zuckerburg stalker

That image is ironically from one Pradeep Manukonda’s deleted Facebook page.  Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has obtained a restraining order against Mr. Manukonda after receiving a number of disturbing messages sent via the social network he invented.

According to TMZ the messages became increasingly more disturbing and escalated to the point of having Manukonda attempting to confront Zuckerberg outside of his home as well as sending the CEO flowers and mailing a personal letter.  One of the messages sent via Facebook partially stated:

“I owe my entire life at your service.  Please help me, then I am ready to die for you.  These are not just the words, they are coming from my heart.  Please understand my pain.”

I did a recent post on Zuckerberg’s home and how surprisingly accessible and humble it was for a billionaire.  Sadly if these type of people keep coming out of the wood-works I’m afraid for safety purposes Zuckerburg will have to find a more isolated place to call home.  Here’s a picture of the house with Mark out front:

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg in front of his new home.
^First News /

Manukonda’s deleted Facebook page featured Mark’s sister Randi Zuckerberg as one of his “likes.”  The restraining order also includes Randi as well as Mark’s long time girlfriend Priscilla Chan.

Top Photo: Facebook

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