
PHOTO Katy Perry chillin’ with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg

Katy Perry with Mark Zuckerburg

Katy Perry is everywhere these days and her latest quest featured a trip to our modern day version of Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, the campus of Facebook!  That’s right Perry and her fireworks got a golden ticket and were allowed to roam the campus of the social network company’s headquarters.

Well Katy isn’t one to hold back on posting photos from her adventures and sure enough she Facebooked (of course) a shot of her and hard-to-find CEO Mark Zuckerburg hanging out.  I thought it would be difficult for Katy to find someone that she looked more awkward next to than hubby Russell Brand but I was wrong.

Katy posted the photo with the following comment:

“Ya know just hangin’ @ “the” facebook with “the” CEO. Baller style. I like him!”

The under-the-radar CEO recently moved into a new rented house and we were able to get photos of the modest abode, well modest for a BILLIONAIRE which we posted here.  I am becoming infatuated with Mark, I mean the dude could buy nations and he looks just like I would if Katy Perry had her arm around me.

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