PHOTO First pic of baby Maxwell reportedly landed Jessica Simpson $800,000

Baby Maxwell covers PEOPLE

That sure is a cute little pout on baby Maxwell Drew Johnson and an expensive one if recent reports are accurate!

People secured the rights for the exclusive cover seen above for a reported $800,000. A magazine insider told The Huffington Post:

“Gone are the days when several magazines would bid on getting the first pictures. The only one left that has that sort of money is People. Plus, the others can run a stock image of the Kardashians for a few hundred dollars and sell a huge amount of copies.”

Mommy Simpson gained notoriety back in the day for coming across as perhaps not the sharpest tool in the shed including her unforgettable Chicken of the Sea discussion. But make no mistakes, Jessica is her own financial empire. In addition to the above cover she also signed a $3 million deal with Weight Watchers to use and sponsor their program to shed the baby weight.

In the upcoming issue Jessica tells People:

“Life has completely changed. From how I sleep to what I think about, Maxwell has definitely taken over everything! We stare at her all the time. We can’t get enough!”

The issue hits newsstands on Friday.

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