PHOTO Debbie Gibson runs into love interest from 80’s videos

I guess even 80’s pop stars experience that awkward running in to an old flame moment.  Well for Debbie Gibson it actually wasn’t a real romance but she did happen to run into the dude who played the young man of her teen desires in the music videos for Foolish Beat Of My Heart and Lost In Your Eyes.  She was kind enough to post this rather small world moment forever caught on film to her Twitter feed.

Here’s the reunion photo and I have to say the two look as good together as they ever did!

Twitter photo of Debbie Gibson with old 80's video guy

Sadly, I am a little ashamed to admit that I was unable to track down the name of the handsome mystery beau who so sweetly romanced Debbie Gibson in her classic videos.  If any of you long time hard-core Gibson fans want to set me straight I would love to get his name to give him credit in this post.  Poor dude, even Debbie didn’t mention his name.  Here’s what she tweeted:

Well the least I can do for our mystery man from the 80’s is show the videos in question.  Here’s the two classic clips in which the two teenagers fawned over each other to the romantic ballads of Debbie:

Lost In Your Eyes

Foolish Beat Of My Heart

And as for Debbie these days?  Well if you’ve missed it she’s set to star in a film alongside her 80’s pop ballad competitor-in-sweetness Tiffany.  It is a science fiction mash up called Mega Python vs. Gataroid.  Here’s the wonderfully campy plot for the film:

A fanatical animal rights advocate (Debbie Gibson) steals illegally imported exotic snakes from pet stores and sets them free in the Florida Everglades, where they grow and thrive in alarming sizes. Seeing this as an ecological threat to the Everglades, a female park ranger (Tiffany) injects the swamp’s alligators with large amounts of steroids, increasing their size to combat the snakes. This results in a colossal reptilian battle that threatens all of Florida.

Man that sounds awesome!  And to further fuel the flame of the anticipation of the film set to premiere on the SyFy Network on January 29th here is a photo of the two veteran balladeers looking dead sexy for a film premiere appearance in the NYC:

Debbie Gibson Tiffany for "Mega Python vs. Gataroid"
^Photo: WENN

Well according to my Swatch watch its time to close out this post.  Thanks for this little trip down 80’s memory lane and thanks to Debbie Deborah Gibson for posting that amazing reunion photo.  We still get lost in your eyes Debbie.

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