PHOTO Dean McDermott accidentally tweets wife Tori Spelling topless

As if there aren’t enough land mines in a marriage as a husband now there will forever be the, “Don’t pull a Dean McDermott.” Just to think, Donna Martin saved her virginity for this mess!?!

Last night Tori’s husband tweeted a photo of his cute little 4-year-old son Liam with the caption, “Dough head JR.” What he somehow missed were his wife’s breasts fully exposed in the background. I guess the fact that this slipped right past him is another statement about marriage but I digress.

Here is the photo in question:

Tweeted photo of Tori Spelling breasts
Topless photo of Tori Spelling tweeted by husband Dean McDermott

McDermott has since deleted the tweet but the damage has been done as the mega-husband-oops will now be a part of internet history. Dean celebrated his 45th birthday yesterday and Tori and Dean have been married since 2006. I can’t even begin to image the 9021-oh-no-he-didn’t dog house dude will be sleeping in for a few nights now. And all he doing was tweeting a sweet pic of his son.

You can click on the above image for a full view of the background Spelling-melons.

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