Phaedra Parks and Kenya Moore are feuding over Apollo Nida

Phaedra Apollo Kendra

Phaedra Parks and her husband Apollo Nida are expecting their second son at any moment, but unfortunately, what should be a happy time recently turned stressful. During the filming of the reunion special for The Real Housewives of Atlanta season 5, Phaedra and Apollo’s relationship was a hot topic after accusations that Kenya has been flirting with him came to a head.

Kenya has been accused of flirting with Phaedra’s husband of three years nearly all season long. Apollo even claimed that Kenya was texting him, trying to get some action. Phaedra and Kenya were bound to come to blows at some point and they did so in a very heated reunion moment which will air during the third installment of the reunion on April 21.

“Phaedra confronts Kenya about hitting on Apollo,” a show insider tells In Touch. “Kenya sits there fanning herself while Phaedra attacks.” At the time, Phaedra was 8-months pregnant and surely shouldn’t have been getting worked up, but Kenya pushed her anyways. She even told Phaedra that it was Apollo pursuing her — not the other way around.

Being the trusting wife she is, Phaedra says that’s simply not true. “Let’s get this clear, my husband just asked her for advice on an acting coach. Kenya continued to text him, saying, ‘Oh, you look nice.’ She propositioned him with a sexual act,” Phaedra tells the mag, adding that regardless of Kenya’s advances, her marriage is just fine. “I have a strong marriage. It’s not like Kenya revealed something I didn’t know. There are no secrets.”

Kenya, on the other hand, insists she did nothing wrong. “Hitting on and flirting are two different things,” she explains. “That man is married. I respect the sanctity of marriage.”

Photos: TNYF/

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