Part of Jenelle Evans’ probation violation was for being with Kieffer Delp

Are Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans and Kieffer Delp back together?

The latest arrest of Teen Mom firecracker Jenelle Evans highlights two unquestionable truths for the young woman I’ve consistently tried to pull so hard for. She needs to walk away from the weed and never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever hang out, associate, call, get in a Facebook or Twitter war with or even acknowledge the existence of Kieffer Delp again.

In summary, Jenelle was arrested for violating her probation and an initial statement from her lawyer Dustin Sullivan indicated that it was because she tested positive for marijuana and opiates. This is true but thanks to court records obtained by TMZ we now know that the drugs are only half the story. And the other half is……..


That’s right, and I can’t help but agree that any probation should specifically include the clause that said person should never hang with the total #delper.

Here are the exact wordings from the documents filed by Evans’ probation officer:

Jenelle Evans parole violation for being with Keiffer Delp

That’s right, while I’ve been busting the legal system’s backside wondering how on Earth Kieffer Delp is a free man at least they had the good sense to make it illegal to hang out with the dude. Jenelle of course had something to tweet about the latest news and she’s shifting all blame to the #delper. She sent the following to fellow Teen Mom Leah Messer:

That was after Leah told her to keep her chin up. Offering further words of encouragement Leah tweeted back:

Now I’m going to do some serious amateur detective work here. I’m wondering if Delp set Evans up! The report claims that they were together on August 6, two days before she was arrested (yesterday), and the two went after it online in a big ol’ war of words yesterday as well. Maybe Delp “informed” the authorities that they were together and had been using drugs, and he could have even provided photographic or video evidence to that effect. My other guess is that Jenelle was simply hanging with Delp when her PO showed up.

Oh and 7/16 was the day Kieffer allegedly punched the girl who had been allegedly stalking Jenelle Evans. According to TMZ she was with him when the incident occurred. Evans had tweeted in defense of Delp for that scuffle but stated that she was not with him. Well I guess on that day and on August 6 she was.

I think Jenny from Forrest Gump said it best – if you ever see Delp coming Jenelle, RUN!

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