Paige Brendel from Are You The One? dated MLB star Brett Lawrie

Are You The One Paige Brendel with Brett Lawrie

Tonight’s the premiere of MTV’s new dating show Are You The One? featuring 20 attractive young singles mixed together in a stew of hottie hook ups in Hawaii – but there’s a catch!

Using what the producers of the show call a dating algorithm, 10 couples were matched by their compatibility without their knowledge before being let loose. If all the couples can find their “true match” in 10 attempts the cast members will split (insert Dr. Evil voice) a million dollars!

One of the love hunters, Paige Brendel, already had a brief brush with fame in relation to a relationship as she dated Toronto Blue Jays 3B Brett Lawrie.

Paige Brendel Are You The One with Brett Lawrie

Athletes wives and girlfriends, especially ones as easy on the eyes as Miss Brendel, have their own following in the sports fan community. Paige’s Twitter account reflects this pre-reality TV fame reality as she already has over 20,000 followers.

Here’s Paige’s brief bio from MTV in which the last line seems to indicate that her relationship with Lawrie didn’t end too well:

Nobody is perfect, but Paige thinks she’s pretty close. Beautiful and ambitious, Paige plans on putting her charms to work to build a career as a television personality. And this serial monogamist’s biggest obstacle seems to be her choices in men. Paige knows that if she wants to achieve perfection, she has to break her habit of dating jocks that are no good for her.

Paige Brendel Are You The One
Are You The One? cast member Paige Brendel with Brett Lawrie

In Paige’s dating resume video she says, “I’m somebody’s perfect match because I’m a loving person, I’m very generous, I’m very goal orientated, I’m very ambitious you know… I have a lot going for me and I want to be able to share that with somebody. And I really want to meet somebody that can compliment me and make me want to better myself and vice versa.”

The clip also mentions that she’s good at Ping Pong and Chess (important info here folks)! And as for Paige’s dating deal breaker? She says that if you smell it’s not gonna work.

Paige from MTV's Are You The One

In addition to Twitter, you can also keep up with Paige via Facebook and Instagram.

MTV’s programming president, Susanne Daniels, told The Wrap, “Our millennial audience has no trouble dating or hooking up but making a deeper commitment is more challenging for them. ‘Are you the One?’ will provide clues to the contestants to help them find their perfect match. There’s unexpected emotional twists as they find it trickier than they imagined to break apart in the name and the game of finding true love.”

So will Paige get on the right page and find the one? Tune in tonight to the premiere of Are You The One? on MTV at 11/10c to see how it all shakes out.

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