Do celeb moms lie about the way they lose baby weight?

Nicole Sullivan Accuses Celeb Moms of Lying

It’s a rare day when Nicole Sullivan makes the news. But, after she claimed celebrity moms lie about how they lost baby we, people are talking about the former MADtv star.

Sullivan, who is a Jenny Craig brand ambassador, said of celebrities during an interview with Us Weekly, “They all lie and say, ‘Oh, I lost the weight running after the kids or breastfeeding.’ It’s not true!”

Sullivan said she felt like she was missing out on the big secret of how to shed weight after giving birth to her first son Dashel, now 5.

“I would flip through celeb magazines… And I just couldn’t get how these moms like Jessica Alba lost so much weight so quickly — and yet I couldn’t.”

In addition to struggling to lose the pounds, Sullivan said she also struggled to fit in, which added to her anxiety and took away from precious time with her newborn son.

“When you are mad at yourself, you are mad at everybody,” Sullivan said.

Eventually, Sullivan signed on with Jenny Craig and began to lose weight through the program’s calorie-controlled frozen meals. Now, she said she is much happier with her body and feels like a better mom.

“I may not look like [Alba], but at least I can keep up with other actresses now. I feel really good about myself.”

Although it’s great that Sullivan was able to get her body back with Jenny Craig, there are certainly other ways to go about shedding baby weight — even without a Hollywood budget.

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