New favorite Teen Mom photo: Chelsea Houska addicted to quack

Teen Mom Chelsea Houska makes a duck face

The world of Teen Mom 2 has been a dramatic and stressful place to be of late with Kailyn and Leah struggling with break ups and Jenelle admitting herself to rehab. But, after losing well over one hundred pounds in the form of dead weight baby daddy Adam Lind, Chelsea Houska seems to be living footloose and fancy free! The South Dakotan’s recent tweets and Facebook updates have mostly been positive and joyous entries that include various videos and photos like the one above, which Chelsea shared via Twitter last night with the caption, “Duuuuurrrr.”

The photo was shared on the Facebook page “P.S. I’m addicted to Teen Mom” and of course the haters started circling like buzzards and saying things like “what is up with the damn duck face? Don’t they realize they look like idiots?!?” Another less hateful commenter pointed out Chelsea appears to be driving in the photo, which of course would be a bad thing. So how did Miss Houska respond to all this?

i was not driving when i took this pic. i like duck faces.

Love it! All of the spiteful comments are like water off a duck’s back face for the Chelseanator!

Oh, and speaking of safe driving, Be sure to check out this video of her daughter Aubree Skye demonstrating some mad driving skillz as she dodges a pug and hits the gas! (Apparently YFrog videos aren’t embeddable?) But, for those of you looking for your Aubree cuteness fix, here’s a more recent video of the future American Idol star demonstrating her pipes for mommy:

The good news from Chelseaville doesn’t stop with her and Aubree – it also includes her step-mom Rita Houska, who recently had a grand re-opening of her store Rita’s Purse-O-Nalities in the Yankton Mall. Here’s a description from the store’s Facebook page:

Trendy accessories and styles for any age. Purses, pockebooks, jewelry, sandals and much, much more. Stop in and see us by the fountain in the Yankton Mall! Don’t forget we also pierce ears!!

The re-openign was held on April 16 and Rita, who refused to be filmed for Teen Mom 2, talked with the Yankton PRess & Dakotan about how much Chelsea has changed:

“She has gone through a lot, both with Aubree’s dad and in just growing up,” Rita said. “I am very proud of how she has matured and how she takes care of her daughter.”

“I watched a little girl that I didn’t think would ever grow up — she was a pistol — now she has really come around and is a responsible parent making the right choices for her and her daughter,” Rita said.

Rita also talked about not wanting to appear on the show and how her opinion on that may be changing:

Now that I have seen how [Teen Mom] can be a good role model for young girls about how hard it is to raise a baby, I am starting to like it. I see the shows doing good, so now I feel more comfortable being a part of it. [Teen Mom 2] is a good show for young girls who think babies make everything better. I hope they see how hard it really is, and it makes them take a step back and think about it. ”

Here are a couple photos from the Grand Re-opening event and I think it’s obvious that Rita and Chelsea have a few things in common – such as a love of animal print anything!

Chelsea Houska's step mom's store Rita's Purse-O-Nalities

Rita's Purse-O-Nalities in Yankton South Dakota owned by Chelsea Houska's step mom

Rita and Chelsea have more in common than animal print admiration – they also both have creative fashion skillz! Check out little rock star Aubree channeling her inner Beyonce in a tie-dyed shirt made by Chelsea:

Chelsea Houska's daughter Aubree Skye dancing in tie-dye

WOW! This post was just supposed to be about a funny photo of Chelsea imitating a duck and it’s grown into some sort of feature article! I think this deserves a whole new title and even a Houska-inspired graphic! This update post on the recent happenings in Chelsea’s life is now called:

Chelsea Houska Chelsea Lately logo

Maybe “Chelsea Lately” can become a recurring column!

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