New extreme weight loss method: The feeding tube diet

Feedding tube diet extreme

The feeding tube diet (known as the KE diet) is the latest crazy thing women will do to lose weight. It first got press last week in a New York Times piece about the extreme things brides-to-be will do fit into their dream wedding gown. The article was cleverly titled “Bridal Hunger Games” but the headline should have been “Women are using Feeding Tubes to Lose Weight with the Help of a Doctor! Shut the World Down!”

The doctor interviewed is the first to do this in the United States, but the practice has been done “for years” in Italy and Spain. Dr. Oliver R. Di Pietro has been offering the “K-E diet” at a clinic in Bay Harbor Islands, Fla since July 2011, and says he sees a lot of brides who have fallen prey to “nervous eating.” But what that implies is that he sees non-brides too! Note to NY Times: brides aren’t the only people who do crazy diets.

The basic premise of the doctor-supervised diet is that you get a feeding tube in your nose and wear it for 10 days as you go about your business. You’re supposed to eat nothing, and get about 800 calories a day through the tube. Who does this? What perfectly healthy person would get a feeding tube in their nose and then go to work, go to parties, go run errands like it’s nothing? That’s exactly what NY Times featured bride 41-year-old Jessica Schnaider did in March to get ready to shop for gowns. (We’re not sure exactly what she did, but the piece said she “went about her business.” Jessica has been doing some interviews since the article about the feeding tube diet went viral (thanks in part to some Twitter outrage sparked by Ashley Judd.) She said a number of people asked her if she was sick while she had the tube in, and she’s reply “No, I’m not sick, I’m not dying. I’m fine. I’m happy because the 10 pounds went off fast.”

This does sound like something celebrities would do, but they’d have to be really careful and hole up by themselves for about two weeks. Paparazzi should be on the lookout though, because somebody might try this, and then try to sneak out incognito with a tube on their face. You know it will happen eventually.

Would you try the feeding tube diet? Keep in mind that side effects include bad breath and constipation.


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