Michelle Duggar suffers miscarriage

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, who were expecting their 20th child together, told People Magazine that 45-year-old Michelle suffered a miscarriage during the second trimester. They couple went in for a routine check-up, and to discover the sex of their baby, but instead got heartbreaking news that there was no longer a heartbeat.

The worst part for them was having to go home and tell their children:

“I feel like my heart broke telling my children. They have all been so excited about this baby and looking forward to April coming around and having a new little one in our arms. That was the most difficult. The Lord is the giver of life and he can choose when that life is ready to go on and be with Him.”

This is Michelle’s second time miscarrying a baby. She lost a child during her second pregnancy while she was on oral birth control. It was that experience that led the Duggars to make a religious to stop trying to plan their pregnancies, and let God decide how many children they would have.

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