Meet Kym Nguyen of Love in the Wild

Hair stylist Kim Nguyen from Love in the Wild

NBC has delayed the premiere of their upcoming dating reality contest meets Survivor themed show Love in the Wild. This is fine with me because it’s giving me more time to patiently decide which smokin’ hot contestant I’m gonna profile next. After looking at about a thousand photos of Kim Nguyen, a hairstylist from Quincy, MA, I have to admit this decision was easily made for me!

Kim does hair but more importantly she does swimwear, mostly swimwear that is hardly there really really really well. With a body like that as you can imagine Miss Nguyen has done her fair share of modeling. She has a Model Mayhem account with a great portfolio of professional shots that only accent her bombshellability. Did I say bombshellability? Here’s what would be beside that in the new world Websters:

Kim Nguyen shows her toned body for Love in the Wild

That’s the kind of girl you never see at your local gym but if you did you would just turn around and head back home. Via her MM page she promotes herself this way:

I’m a promo, print, lingerie, swimsuit model in the Boston area. Im extremely reliable and responsible and willing to do SELECT TFP (time for prints) /TFCD (time for cd). If you are SERIOUS ABOUT WORKING WITH ME please contact me directly. THANK YOU! Will travel if compensated… CURRENTLY WORKING ON AN ALL NEW PORTFOLIO! HELP IS WELCOMED

Kym has a Twitter page in which she has been gracious enough to provide yet even more bikini goodness but before I get to that she also has a YouTube channel in which she dishes out some hair maintenance tips among other things. Here’s a clip by Kim in which she passes on helpful advice on summer hairstyles:

Now that we all know about the side braid lets get back to the self proclaimed natural beauty in a bikini! I (heart) Twitter:

Kim Nguyen Love in the Wild bikini sexy photo

NBC hasn’t provided much info on the contestants yet but they say to look for the 24-year-old to possibly fall fast for someone even though she will try her hardest not to. So how do I get myself on one of them there reality shows? I dare the ten dudes from the show to not fall fast for her!  Anyways, while it may be difficult to wait until the 24th to catch Kim Nguyen on TV in living motion, at least you’ll have these pics to tide you over.

So will Miss Nguyen win? Check out my other girls of Love in the Wild profiles here to compare the competition.

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