Kate Gosselin upset over pictures of her kids with a pit bull posted by Jon’s girlfriend Liz Jannetta

Photo of Kate Gosselin's son witha  pit bull posted by Jon Gosselin's girlfriend

Sometimes compared to a pit bull herself by television viewers, former Jon and Kate Plus 8 star Kate Gosselin is none too pleased that her former husband Jon Gosselin’s current girlfriend Liz Jannetta shared photos of two of her eight children playing with one of the controversial pooches.

The photos were shared by Jannetta on October 27, which is National Pit Bull Awareness Day, and featured one with one of Kate’s sons (above) and another with one of her daughters. The photo above was accompanied by the tweet “Photography enables such devotion and feeling…

Jon Gosselin's girlfriend Liz Jannetta's photo of Kate Gosselin's daughter posing with a pit bull

Jannetta responded to someone’s concerned comment about the image by writing, “@cesarmillan My kids r around pitbulls every day.. Frm Dobies, to German Shepherds to Rottweiler, now Pits- the desire 2 blame wil nvr fade”

The top photo spawned this conversation with an obviously pro-Kate Gosselin Twitter account:

Liz Jannetta defends photos of pit bull with Kate Gosselin's children

Kate Gosselin hasn’t addressed the photos directly, but she did retweet a couple links to walkforvictimsofpitbulls.blogspot.com, a site dedicated to promoting awareness of the victims of pit bull attacks:

Kate Goseelin responds to photos of her children with a pit bull posted by Jon's girlfriend Liz Jannetta

So what do you think about children posing with pit bulls? What about posing your boyfriend’s children with your pit bull and posting the photos online?

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