Jenelle Evans reveals sex of her second baby with gender reveal photo

What is the sex of Jenelle Evans second baby? Gender reveal photo with Nathan Griffith and Jace

Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans and her boyfriend Nathan Griffith found out the sex of their baby late last week, but decided to wait to reveal the news to fans until they could have a little fun with a gender reveal photo shoot. That happened this weekend and earlier this morning Jenelle posted the photo above on Facebook along with the caption, “Everyone, the wait is over! Looks like we are having…..”

A boy! Well, I assume blue paint means they’re having a boy and not that they murdered a Smurf. 😉 And if you remember, revealing the sex of the baby might also reveal what the baby’s name will be because Jenelle has previously stated that she and Nathan agreed on Kaiser if they were having a boy.

So Jace will be a big brother and I can finally officially say that Jenelle has a Kaiser bun in the oven!

Here are some other non-sex-revealing photos from the shoot:

Pregnant Jenelle Evans with boyfriend Nathan Griffith

Jenelle Evans pregnant baby bump with boyfriend Nathan Griffith

Photos: Jenelle Evans / Celeste Call / Young Eyes Photography

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