It’s a girl for Kelsey Grammer and wife Kayte Walsh

Kelsey Grammer and pregnant Kayte Walsh

Kelsey Grammer and his wife, Kayte Walsh, have just welcomed a new baby. Their daughter was born today in Los Angeles and is the couple’s first child together. This new addition is bittersweet for Kelsey and for Kayte, who just months ago, was pregnant with twins — a boy and a girl. Sadly, the little boy did not make it.

Kayte gave birth to her baby girl, Faith Evangeline Elisa Grammer, at 1 a.m. this morning, Friday, July 13 in Los Angeles. She weighed in at 6 lbs., 2 oz. “We are thrilled,” the couple tells PEOPLE. “Mother and child are in excellent health.”

In addition to their birth announcement, Kelsey and Kayte have released the following statement regarding the devastating secret they’ve kept to themselves for the last several months.

“We were ecstatic earlier this year, when we announced that Kayte was carrying twins. Tragically we lost the little boy shortly thereafter. This was not something we cared to make known publicly at the time. It was unspeakably painful and we know that people will understand our desire to keep the news private then, as we know they will respect our privacy in this matter now. A glorious birth with a lingering sadness is ours today. We choose to celebrate the life that has been given us. We proudly introduce our Faith to the world today looking forward to the days ahead and the children yet to come.”

Kelsey, who is nearing 60, is 25 years older than wife Kayte. If he plans on having more children, he better do it soon! Kelsey has been married four times, has five children, and one grandchild. His grandson Emmett Emmanual Hesketh is the son of his daughter Spencer, and was born October 10, 2011 — which makes him just 9 months older than Kelsey’s new daughter. “Emmett, meet your new playmate, aunt Faith.”

Camille and Kelsey Grammer on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Kelsey’s relationship with Kayte started in scandal. The two had been carrying on an affair while Kelsey remained married to his now ex-wife, Camille Grammer, who was starring in Real Housewives of Beverly Hills at the time. Camille filed for divorce from the Boss star in July of 2010. Just one month later, Kelsey announced that he and Kayte were expecting their first child together — which means that the baby was conceived while he was still married to Camille! They lost the baby just a few weeks later. Camille and Kelsey’s divorce was finalized on February 10, 2011, and two weeks later, Kelsey married Kayte.

We wish the couple luck moving forward and hope they can supply plenty more playmates for Kelsey’s grandbaby!

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