Gwyneth Paltrow loves Taco Bell, thinks everyone takes her too seriously

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Gwyneth Paltrow appeared with Amanda Peet on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live to promote her new film Mordecai. While she’s developed a discerning, snobbish taste for the finer things in the life, host Andy Cohen drilled her on her low-brow pleasures.

It turns out that Gwyneth hates McDonald’s but she loves Taco Bell, and she doesn’t have a problem with flying coach once in a while. She still doesn’t abide tabloids or reality television.

The actress said that the biggest misconception about her is that people take her seriously when she’s joking. “Sometimes I make a joke, and people take it the wrong way, or they misconstrue what I said,” she said.

She later explained that she didn’t realized “conscious uncoupling” would be such a big thing, and she regrets not putting context to it and explaining that it was a process established by a doctor. “I should have said, ‘I didn’t invent this, this is a thing, and we’re just trying to separate with minimal acrimony and really stay a family even though our relationship isn’t romantic anymore.’ I think it’s really an amazing thing, but I made a mistake in not contextualizing it better.” She said some days are still hard, but they’re still really close and she thinks her ex Chris Martin a great person.

Gwyneth even braved up to Andy’s hot-seat of Plead the Fifth. Andy said she didn’t “plead the fifth,” though she pretty much did with the first question.

“In 2009, you wrote a GOOP post about a frenemy that was trying to take you down. You said you felt happiness when something unfortunately and humiliating happened to this person. Who was this about?”

At the time gossip blogs speculated that she was talking about former pal Winona Ryder, but Gwyneth said the person she had in mind “wasn’t a famous person.”

“Who would you rather be stuck in an elevator with, Jennifer Garner or Angelina Jolie?”

Paltrow’s answer – Angelina Jolie, because she doesn’t know her very well, and would like to get to know her.

“What is the hardest drug you’ve ever taken?”

Gwyneth: Ecstasy.

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