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Gary Busey and Ted Haggard to appear on Celebrity Wife Swap

Gary Busey and Ted Haggard swap wives

Gary Busey and Ted Haggard are going to swap their spouses a new show Celebrity Wife Swap based on Wife Swap.

Wife Swap is a show that pairs families of disparate dispositions and values and, true to the title, swaps out the wives. It usually ends up being a fascinating sociological study, and this should be no different.

Most of the time when religion is involved, the show pairs a Christian family with a non-Christian family of some kind. However, both Gary and Ted are pastors of Christian Churches, so the conflict will no doubt come from the different ways Gary and Ted practice Christianity.

Busey, who is engaged to the mother of his almost two-year-old son Luke Samson Busey, Stephanie Sampson, will swap her out for Ted’s wife of 33-years Gayle. Busey is an iconic actor who’s been in 120 films, battled cocaine addiction, legal problems (including domestic violence against ex-wife Tiani Warden) and financial issues. On December 4, 1988, he suffered brain damage after a motorcycle crash. Gary wasn’t wearing his helmet, and fractured his skull. He’s now a born-again Christian, and is now a minister for Promise Keepers, an evangelical ministry.

Ted is a former evangelical preacher who suffered a meth-fueled gay sex scandal. After things had cooled down he told GQ magazine: “I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual.” He experienced an “excommunication” of sorts from his congregation in Colorado Springs, but since last year Ted’s been rebuilding his life and his congregation in Colorado Springs at St. James Church.

Ted and Gary aren’t the first celebrities to participate in Wife Swap: Ozzy Osbourne once swapped his wife Sharon for David Beckham’s wife Victoria. Here’s a clip from moment in television history:

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