French arrest warrant issued for cyclist Floyd Landis for… computer hacking?

Floyd Landis at the Teva Mountain Games 2007

As if losing his 2006 Tour de France title because of testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs wasn’t bad enough, a French judge has now issued a warrant for cyclist Floyd Landis’ arrest for his involvement in hacking into the computer system of the lab that tested the urine samples that lead to his disqualification!

Astrid Granoux from the Parisian prosecutor’s office in the suburb of Nanterre tells The New York Times that judge Thomas Cassuto issued the warrant last month and tells the paper, “That means he would be arrested if he came to France.”

The facitlity that was hacked is the Châtenay-Malabry antidoping lab, who filed an official complaint back in 2006 stating that some of their confidential information had been taken from their computers- some of which was altered and used for the defense of Landis in his doping case. A search of the lab’s computer’s found a Trojan horse, which can allow access to a remote user. One of the possible sources of the Trojan horse was an email traced to an IP address connected to Arnie Baker, the coach for Floyd Landis.

Both Baker and Landis deny being involved in the hacking and still claim Landis did not use performance-enhancing drugs prior to winning the Tour de France. Landis has not spoken to the press since the warrant was announced.

This could be the first time that a professional athlete is in trouble because he did use a Trojan.

I can’t believe Floyd wasn’t arrested by Georgia police back in 2006 when he literally had the balls to wear the worst pair of man pants ever at the Tour de Georgia:

2006 Tour de Georgia Stage Five

Photos: Doug Pensinger/Getty Images

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