Farrah Abraham sex tape photos released

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham sex tape photo

It’s less than one week away from the most highly anticipated blockbuster film release of 2013, Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom, and Vivid has finally released some SFWish still photos from the more than 70 minutes of Farrah Abraham-bam-thank-you-ma’am action!

TMZ published the photos earlier today, most of which feature Farrah Abraham in pink and blue lingerie on a bed and, ummmm, climbing a ladder thing? Also included in the photos are a couple of action shots with co-star James Deen as well as what appears to be Farrah in the shower.

Here’s an example of one of the less risque photos:

Farrah Abraham leaked photo

And for those of you wanting to get a jump on October by getting your Farrah Abraham sex tape Halloween costume now, just head on over to Agent Provocateur and grab their Abbey bra and panty set:

Farrah Abraham's Agent Provocateur lingerie from her sex tape

The full costume will set you back about $410, and you can add another $220 if you want the “Abbey suspenders” to hold up your stockings. But be careful, because if you remember, someone claiming to be a personal assistant on the film told The Dirty that Farrah actually had a deal with the lingerie retailer that allowed her to return them to the store after she was finished.

To finish out the costume you will need to have a cell phone to aim at you face as you say “Keek it if you’re getting paid for sex! Keek! Keek! Keek!”

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