Farrah Abraham releases statement about sex tape, made $1.5 million

Farrah Abraham sex tape spoof 50 Shades of Greybraham

Forget Iron Man 3. Forget The Great Gatsby. Forget Star Trek Into Darkness. The most highly anticipated blockbuster release of 2013 is Farrah Abraham’s adult film Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom! The 21-year-old star of the film is speaking out about her decision to release the film, and also clarifies earlier reports that she made just under $1 million for her few hours of “work” by revealing she actually got paid $1.5 million!

In a statement published by Radar Online, Farrah had the following to say:

I am happy with the seven figure settlement I have reached, with who I feel to be the best adult entertainment company in the industry, Vivid. This is a risk for me to take, however I feel comfortable having given the rights to Vivid a company I know can handle the media and press surrounding my sexuality.

I am very pleased with the outcome and to have this opportunity to be an entrepreneur in another unexpected light in my life. I look forward to my future goals of completing my Masters degree, focusing on being a great mother for my daughter as well as many other culinary business endeavors in my future.


The film is set to be released for download on May 6

And by “culinary business endeavors” Farrah means making another film in which she g@ng b@ngs the entire produce department of a Whole Foods store:

Farrah Abraham porn parody Salad Undressing

Farrah is really embracing her new role as adu|t film star, retweeting excited comments about the release of her movie, and revealing she has “nothing to hide” — which will be very true very soon. Here is Farrah’s most recent activity of Twitter:

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham tweets about her sex tape

I wonder if Farrah is already spending some of her reported $1.5 million for a red carpet premiere event for Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom. If so, how do we go about getting a press pass?!?

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