Did Teen Mom Leah Messer cheat on her wedding day?

In a previous post I highlighted a rather angry tweet sent by Teen Mom Leah Messer in regards to her ex Robbie Kidd.  The tweet insinuated that Robbie was spreading lies to get his photos in magazines and to break up Leah’s marriage to the father of her twin daughters Corey Simms.  At the time I wasn’t sure which magazine she was referring to, well that was until I came across a feature in OK magazine in which Robbie drops some serious accusation bombs!

The biggest eye-opening claim that Robbie makes is that Leah slept with him on her wedding day.  Kidd, Leah’s ex whom she returned to after her brief split with Corey, said:

“I went over to her house after her party died down.  Her friends were still there – Leah and I went into her sister Victoria’s room, we talked a little while then we slept together.”

The party Robbie is referring to was a get together that Leah had with some friends as a quasi-bachelorette throw down the evening before her wedding.  The alleged sexscapade happened after midnight which would mean it WAS on her wedding day, if we’re to believe what Kidd is saying.  A friend of Leah’s who was in attendance at the party and perhaps more importantly an MTV rep also denied Kidd’s claims.

Leah’s friend said:

“Robbie still has the hots for Leah, but she wants nothing to do with him.”

The MTV rep that spoke with OK said:

“Camera crews were with Leah for most of that evening and in the morning.  Nothing happened.”

^Robbie Kidd from his MySpace page

It sounds like this could be a case of a young man regretting his choices in regards to an old flame.  That and the lure of the fame that comes along with his ex’s run on Teen Mom 2.  He told OK that:

“She’s always going to be part of my life because she was my first love.  I still love her.”

So what do you think?  Is Robbie spreading lies as Leah stated via Twitter or is there credence to his claims based on Leah’s past of leaving Corey and returning to the arms of Kidd?  To catch the whole article including some additional surprising claims made by Robbie I encourage you to pick up a copy of OK on news stands now.

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