Christina Aguilera’s new love Matthew Rutler with The Nate Mott Band

Matt Rutler with The Nate Mott Band

Christina Aguilera hasn’t taken long to find new love following her much publicised divorce from Jordan Bratman.  In a post filed by People Aguilera shines a light on her blooming romance with one Matthew Rutler:

“He’s the kind of person you could spend hours with on the phone talking to and all of a sudden it’s daylight.”

Sounds like rebound love to me.  Turns out this Rutler fellow worked as a set assistant on Xtina’s not so successful film Burlesque currently in theaters.  But being an assistant isn’t Rutler’s only talent as it has been revealed he just so happens to be a rock guitarist for The Nate Mott Band out of Bristol, Rhode Island.

From what I found it looks like the boys from TNMB are just like many other struggling acts trying to break through with a major hit.  They’ve had some minor success which thankfully allowed for the low budget production of a couple of music videos.  The band features Nate Mott on guitar and vocals, Mr. Aguilera on lead guitar, Jaime Poyant on bass guitar and Hoyt Hottel on drums.

The first clip I’ll show you followed by stills of Matthew Rutler is for the song “Say It.”

And here are some stills of Christina’s new beau from “Say It” as promised.  I apologize for the quality but the video wasn’t available in high resolution like, say, Christina Aguilera’s are.




Next up is the song “Vast Expanses” featuring all the guys in an emotionally charged bloody handed military themed set that is a poor man’s version of Tom Petty’s video for “Refugee.” 

Once again here are a few stills of Mr. Rutler from the video:




Last up is a 2 part interview that Matthew did with Area Code 508 that features him in both the arena of set assistant and arena rock! 

Part 1:

Part 2:

And just to be complete about this all out Matthew Rutler-fest here are two additional stills from that interview:



Now you may be thinking that all this exposure would be welcomed by his bandmates, and at first that certainly appeared to be the case.  For a brief period the band plastered Christina’s name all over their official website, but they later retracted it.  I say kudos to them for trying to get to the top based on the music, man! My big fear would be that Matthew’s fame might cause friction in the band, and if their latest Facebook post is any indication, I may just be right!

The Nate Mott Band Facebook notification

If you want to find out more about the band you can follow up with the Rhode Island boys via their Facebook page here.

Top Photo: Facebook

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