Chris Pratt is probably going to be Indiana Jones: Smart move, or strange one?

CP 480


Chris Pratt is being considered seriously to play Indiana Jones, and the whole of Hollywood is buzzing like a drunken bee at a Cheerio factory over the news. Pratt has been riding a high wave of popularity ever since last summer’s Guardians of the Galaxy won the hearts of critics and made several large boatloads of money at the same time. The same was true of The LEGO Movie, which likewise starred Pratt. And the same looks be true of the Jurassic Park reboot, which will be out this summer, feature dinosaurs and cool futuristic car-transport-type things, and star Chris Pratt. (And probably make enough money to front an actual Jurassic Park. Just a guess.)

So, with Parks and Rec ending this season (in like three weeks, you guys!), it looks like the Prattster is trying to strike while the box office iron is hot. (Hey–somebody’s got to pick up that Johnny Depp slack, right?) The same is true of Disney, whom Deadline says is eager to push development of the IJ franchise, now that Star Wars is way in development.

Reaction on Twitter was mostly positive. Here’s a sampling of Well-Known People Reacting to the possibility:






Not everyone was upbeat about the news, though. As the Detroit Free Press noted, Indiana Jones is an often-fastidious professor, rather a far cry from the super-cool Han Solo-type of Pratt’s Guardians character. Entertainment Weekly reminds us that C-Pratt-Pio is already the cornerstone of the new Jurassic Park franchise and the soon-to-be-sequeled Guardians franchise. If we make him Indiana Jones, too, that’s three major franchises on those goofy-yet-chiseled shoulders. Is three too many? Ought we find out?

There’s been no official announcement yet. What do you folks think? Assuming a new Indiana Jones film is in the works and coming soon, do you want to see Pratt take up the whip? Who would you rather see as the star?


(Photo credits: CP on FB; screencap via YouTube)

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