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Real Housewives’ Slade Smiley owes nearly $138,000 in child support to son (Grayson Arroyo-Smiley) with a brain tumor

Slade Smiley, or as I call him, Shade Slimy, is a special kind of Real Deadbeat dad. TMZ has obtained documents proving that Slade Smiley, who is currently golddigging a former golddigger’s gold, is behind over $77,356.75 (as of February 2011, that amount ballooned to $138,857.64) including interest in child support for his sick son,…


PHOTOS Gretchen Rossi at Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch shopping for implants

Dang it, dang it, dang it! Just when Gretchen started looking as bad on the outside as she does on the inside she slaps on a pair of Daisy Dukes and heads to a pumpkin patch! OK Gretchen, you have a rockin’ bod. Grrrrrr… Read about Gretchen’s notorious internet pictures. The much-despised blond boozy floozy…

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Gretchen Rossi will never get breast implants, is a “sugar mama” instead of a “golddigger”

Gretchen Rossi recently gave an interview to FOX News where she denied getting breast implants, and claims she never will. She also used the opportunity to promote her new website The Gretchen Project, which is about “finding alternative ways to maintain everlasting beauty without having to go under the knife.” Gretchen feels strongly about the…

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VIDEOS and PHOTOS Real Housewives of Orange County Season 5 preview

Bravo has finally done it! They have “real” housewives in enough cities to have them on the air year round! We’re still gettin’ jiggy with “Tardy for the Party” and eagerly awaiting the potential disaster of the “She by Sheree” show in New york and I’m already having to talk about the founding matrons of…

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VIDEO The Real Housewives of Orange County on Jay Leno’s Jaywalk All-Stars

Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney and Jeana Keough from Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Orange County made an appearance on The Jay Leno Show tonight as contestants on one of his “Jaywalk All-Stars” segments! Here are parts one and two from NBC.com: Ahhhhh, I can’t wait for the Orange County catfights to begin again when season…


‘Real Housewives of OC’ star Lynne Curtin to divorce husband over eviction and money issues?

CLICK HERE to read more about Lynne and Frank Curtin’s financial and legal troubles. Lynne Curtin from The Real Housewives of Orange County is having tough financial and marital times. Last week we found out that she was about to be evicted from her home for not paying over $12,000 dollars, and now we find…