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PHOTO Spanish women’s water polo player suffers Olympics’ first wardrobe malfunction!

What’s a huge televised sporting event without a woman’s boob popping out? (Cue: Janet Jackson’s “Nasty Girl”)

NBC had a D’ohlympics moment during a rare, non-tape-delayed segment (otherwise known as “live”) of the women’s water polo match between Spain and the United Steats States. NBC cut to an underwater view of the action and just as the broadcaster commented, ‘You see a lot of suit grabbing going on underwater,’ US player Kamie Craig tugged on an opposing Spanish player’s swimsuit, exposing her la sandia (aka watermelon) (aka breast) for the world to see. Meanwhile, the network is being accused of some rather dramatic editing on their tape-delayed broadcast of the women’s gymnastics competition in order to ramp up the suspense artificially.


Random Olym-Pics: McKayla Maroney’s awesome vault caused judge’s jaw to actually drop

The U.S. Women’s Gymnastics Team obliterated the competition over in London as they took home the gold for America. The next closest competitor was Russia and they were lagging 5 points behind (which is a HUGE margin). It was such a dominating performance it has some asking if this is the greatest women’s gymnastics team America has ever assembled. One of the many great individual performances was a vault so spectacular by McKayla Maroney that it literally dropped a judge’s jaw! See the vault and a close up image of the stunned judge in question.

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Random Olym-Pics: Tom Daley is an English diving Adonis

Every 4 years the world gathers together in a spirit of harmony to embrace the open theatre of competition and athleticism that is the Olympic Summer Games. What they also do is remind us that some of the most sculpted and otherwise stunning looking men on the planet participate in these events. Case in point is 18-year-old English diver Tom Daley. For 99% of the human population Speedos are a HORRIBLE idea. Tom is the 1% folks!


Random Olym-Pics: German cyclists’ quad off featuring Robert Förstemann’s freakish quads

In case you haven’t noticed, the 2012 Summer Olympics are well under way over in London. The opening ceremony received the highest TV ratings ever for the premiere night of a Summer Olympic broadcast resulting in a serious win for NBC. We’re not a sports blog but we sure do love us some randomly strange and / or interesting photos so we’re gonna run a daily photo post for the rest of the summer games – starcasm style. Please enjoy our inaugural Random Olym-Pics post as German cyclist Robert Förstemann flexes his freakish upper-leg muscles in an impromptu quad off.