
PHOTO Lou Reed takes a walk on the wild side, hails a NYC cab

It’s not uncommon for the correspondents here at Starcasm Control to be jamming out to some good music while we work. Wouldja believe I was listening to the classic Lou Reed album New York when this pic came across the wire? Keep reading to see Lou dealing with the frustrating street hassle of hailing a cab in New York City, and find out what the Velvet Underground vet and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee is up to nowadays besides riding around in taxis!


Lou Reed diss causes Susan Boyle to flee ‘America!’

While Lou Reed and Susan Boyle may both be honorary members of the “hard to look at music star club” Reed apparently wanted nothing to do with Susan Boyle singing any of his songs.

Boyle was set to sing his tune “Perfect Day” when Reed at the last minute said no. Find out what prompted the diss and why Boyle responded by fleeing the country!


Is Lou Reed taking your dog for a walk on the wild side?

Bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay Lou Reed is definitely in the (Sydney Opera) house! Lou Reed, the sullen-faced New York City bard, has always been a little on the eccentric side, but he and his wife Laurie Anderson are turning it up a notch with their latest idea: A concert for dogs! Find out all about the concert here.