Teen mom pregnancy photo stirs high school yearbook controversy
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Teen mom pregnancy photo stirs high school yearbook controversy

Anderson Bonilla, a yearbook editor from Virginia, decided that he wanted to represent different groups of his fellow students and their varying experiences as part of this year’s edition. Among the topics covered is the journey of the school’s teenage mothers. Bonilla included a two-page layout featuring Instagram images shared by a fellow student, 17-year-old…

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Victoria Beckham has working mom’s guilt

Victoria Beckham is a hard working mother of four: Brooklyn, 14, Romeo, 10, Cruz, eight and Harper, 21-month-old with a career in the fast-paced, high-pressure fashion industry. She’s said before that she makes her kids her priority, but sometimes you just have to go to work. Like many moms, Posh feels a twinge of guilt whenever she walks out the door.