
Most commonly asked questions about Love It or List It, including whether it’s fake

Love It or List It is one of W Network/HGTV’s most successful shows, but hosts David Visentin and Hilary Farr never reveal much about their personal lives. We did some digging to answer common questions… Plus, a picture of former-actress Hilary in the original Rocky Horror Picture Show!

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Bachelorette Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski end engagement

The BachelorBachelorette romance making franchise has taken another hit as last season’s Bachelorette Jillian Harris and her showmance husband Ed Swiderski have called it quits ending their engagement. See their statements, an ironic montage video from happier times and find out just how bad these two shows are at finding lasting love.

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Bachelorette’s Ed Swiderski cheated on Jillian Harris with two other women

It turns out Ed Swiderski might not be Jillian’s fairy-tale love after all. Two women who claimed to be Ed’s lovers during and after filming for the Bachelorette have come forward to tell their story, and it’s not pretty. Maybe Ed found it so easy to say “I love you” to Jillian and propose to…

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Are Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski still together?

As of this morning (July 29, 2009), yes! Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski appeared on Good Morning America this morning still beaming from their new romance. Jillian is still moving to Chicago and the pair expect to get married in the next 12-18 months. Jillian says, “We’ll probably get married in Canada.” Ed revealed that…