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Teen Mom’s Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley still together!

Photos have surfaced of Teen Mom‘s Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley having fun at a water park together on the same day that their controversially violent episode aired on MTV! The pictures were taken at The Wilderness At The Smokies water park in Sevierville, Tennessee, on Tuesday and feature the couple with daughter Leah looking as though they were all one big happy family.

Teen Mom's Gary Shirley in the movie Precious
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TEEN MOM Gary and Amber’s domestic violence scene was like watching Precious

Teen Mom‘s Amber Portwood and ex current ex-fiance Gary Shirley are infamous for their volatile relationship, but they still managed to shock viewers this week when Amber violently lashed out at Gary after kicking him out of their apartment yet again. Could this latest outburst of domestic violence inspire a remake of an Academy Award-nominated movie? Could it at least inspire a fake movie poster about a remake of an Academy Award-nominated movie? I think so!


Is Teen Mom’s Amber still with Gary?

Amber Portwood and her baby Leah’s father Gary Shirley have undergone more than their share of drama. Ever since Amber got pregnant and invited MTV’s cameras into their lives, it’s been nothing but explosive fighting (sometimes violent) interrupted by rare peaceful interludes. They’ve been engaged at least twice on camera, and broken up a million…