Who is Dakota Johnson, the actress who will play Anastasia Steele in 50 Shades of Grey movie?
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Who is Dakota Johnson, the actress who will play Anastasia Steele in 50 Shades of Grey movie?

You may not know the name “Dakota Johnson,” but you likely know the other famous members of her family! Get to know more about the upcoming star of the 50 Shades of Grey movie adaptation and how she has some serious Hollywood connections.


Extreme sex, violence cause viewers to flee new Antonio Banderas film

Part of the Cannes experience is the standard fare of envelope pushing foreign films that test the limits of an audience. This was certainly the case with Antonio Banderas’ latest called The Skin I Live In as many in attendance were unable to make it through the violent scenes of rape and surgical alteration that are part of the film that is being raved about by critics. See a trailer and an interview from Cannes with Banderas about the film and get a summary of the plot that seems like an attempt to one up the recent hit The Human Centipede.


MULTIPLE CHOICE with Antonio Banderas

Here is a photo of Spanish actor Antonio Banderas taken May 5, 2010. Your job is to figure out which of the following explains what you’re looking at! Is it:

A. Antonio has a new rap album

B. Antonio received an honorary doctorate degree from Malaga University

C. Antonio will be playing the dust mop in the new Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast

D. Antonio is merely showing off his Championship ring after winning the first ever World Cup of Doily Koosh Ball

Keep reading to find out the correct answer!


Melanie Griffith has a “routine” visit to rehab center Cirque Lodge in Utah

Over 20 years ago Melanie Griffith checked into rehab for the first time after getting too into the Working Girl lifestyle. At the time Melanie, then 31, had just endured a divorce from Stephen Bauer the year before and was left all alone with nothing but the movie role that would rocket her from fledgling…