
Burger King employee hides armed robbers’ ride during hamburglary

Mug Shots Jeremy Lovitt Gabriel Gonzalez

Two would-be, armed hamburglars certainly did not get it their way at a Stockton, California area Burger King and the delicious means by which these fools got foiled is one of the best whoppers you’ll ever hear.

The double-stacker team of Jeremy Lovitt and Gabriel Gonzalez rushed into the restaurant brandishing guns and demanding cash. As they were robbing the cashier, another employee stealthily slid out the back door, noticed the criminals’ getaway car running and made the decision to jump in and hide the ride. Talk about your fast food fast thinking!

When the punks left the restaurant they were all like “Dude, where’s my car!?!,” as they quickly realized they were in a pickle having no automobile to drive away in. All they knew to do was to flee on foot to a nearby field where they soon got themselves arrested by responding cops.

“I haven’t heard of any employee actually leaving a business, getting inside the suspect vehicle and trying to hide it,” Stockton officer Joe Silva told CBS13. He added, “The quick action from this employee did allow our officers to get on scene and arrest the suspects.”

Unlike the unnamed king (or queen) of all Burger Kings, the Stockton Police Department wanted to make sure that the public knew that the best thing to do during a robbery is to comply with a criminals’ demands.

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