Justin Rego’s girlfriend Jessica Spillas photos

Jessica Spillas

In case you didn’t know the amazingly controversial story about professional wrestler Justin “Rated R” Rego and how he gets booted off the show, let me give a brief recap from Reality Steve.

Steve received an email from an anonymous woman in the midst of The Bachelor Rozlyn Papa sex scandal back in January which basically said she had a boyfriend who was a wrestler going on The Bachelorette to further his career and didn’t want to end up that sucker girlfriend who stayed home waiting while he got intimate with Ali on national television. So, she was looking for some advice as to what she should do. Here are a couple actual excerpts from the email:

He claims he’s doing it for the fame and he wants to get some wrestling career or something out of it, but how stupid will I look when I wait for him to go on this show, he comes back to me (if he doesn’t end up falling for her like he claims) and then the whole world watches MY bf hooking up another woman on national television?


Steve didn’t think to much about it at first, and was immersed in the Papa fallout. But then he heard that Ali had received a call during taping of the show from a girlfriend of one of the contestants (a wrestler) and he put two and two together. He tried to contact the original author through email, but no luck. It appears as though ABC had locked her down with a contract forbidding her to talk at this point.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the author of the email, and girlfriend of Justin “Rated R” Rego, is… Jessica Spillas!

Justin Rego's girlfriend Jessica Spillas
Jessica Spillas shows off what Justin will be missing out on! Dayum!

So why did Jessica have second thoughts about her boyfriend appearing on The Bachelorette? She found out that before he left Toronto (where they both lived) Justin had been sleeping with another woman! This woman, also from Toronto, is named Kimberly. Steve contacts Kimberly, who isn’t under contract with ABC, who tells him:

“well, basically, i was dating justin up until he went on the show. about a week after he had left, i got a msg from a girl claiming to be justin’s girlfriend of a year and a half. she said she had found me after looking at his fb and reading our messages and etc. i didn’t believe her at first, but we exchanged stories, messages, photos etc. and we found out it was true that he was dating us at the same time. needless to say he’s a really good liar and a master manipulator.”

Jessica contacted Jessie Sulidis, a contestant on Jake Pavelka’s season of The Bachelor, because she was also from Toronto. Jesse contacted ABC and they set up the phone call between Jessica and Ali, but wanted nothing to do with Kimberly. Here’s how Kimberly explained the snub:

“they contacted jessica. his long term gf. the producers thought having 2 girls be part of the show would be too much drama and sound far fetched. even tho it was the truth.”

The Bachelor/Bachelorette continues to get ridiculouser and ridiculouser every season! At this point it’s so bizarre and complicated I feel like I’m watching Lost! And it hasn’t even started yet! I agree with Steve in that clearly ABC cast Justin Rego as a villain and that the important questions are: When did ABC find out about the girlfriend(s) and at what point did they tell Ali? The phone call comes just after Ali chooses Justin over “nice guy” Kasey Kahl and leaves poor Kasey Kahl standing on a glacier in Iceland, so if it turns out she knew before that (which she almost had to) then Kasey really got the shaft in all of this!

Here are some deets about Jessica Spillas from her deleted profile on BeautifulPeople.com:

Age: : 19
Birthday: : May 29
Job title: : Premier Fitness Clubs Of Canada
Job description: : Sales Representative
Smoker: No
Has car: No

On a side note, I think I found Kimberly as well! She’s friends with Jessica on Facebook and their interactions began in April of 2010. This Kimberly is also from Toronto and is friends with Jessie Sulidis. Coincidence? I doubt it. I’ll keep looking until I can verify that it’s the right Kimberly before revealing her last name.

UPDATE – I was right! CLICK HERE for photos of Kimberly Kerekes, the “other” other girlfriend of Justin “Rated R” rego!

Ali Fedotowsky, Jessica Spillas and Justin Rego

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