Author: Violeta Idyll

SISTER WIVES Did Robyn Brown really get two honeymoons with Kody?

The fabric of the polygamous Brown family irrevocably changed in 2014 when Kody legally divorced his first wife Meri Brown to marry his fourth wife Robyn so he could legally adopt her children from her previous marriage.

At the time, they stated that the change of legal marriage meant nothing because they were all celestially married. It did mean something symbolically to Meri, however, who struggled difficult feelings with the divorce and soon sought companionship outside the marriage with her catfishing scandal. To many fans of the who, it looked like maybe the legal marriage meant more to Robyn and Kody as well, because they left on a romantic vacation to Hawaii soon after their legal nuptials. Many viewers of Sister Wives refer to this as Robyn’s “second honeymoon.”