Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil Reunite

Amy grabbing Blake in '07 - BARM/Fame Pictures

This must be official: both News of the World and The Sun are reporting the match made in a heroin den has reunited. Divorce must be a powerful aphrodisiac, because just a month after their marriage was legally dunso Amy and her fresh beehive has allegedly hopped back on Blake’s skin and bones.

A source told News of the World that Amy snuck Blake past security on Saturday morning after a romantic dinner date Friday night. The Sun elaborates on the sordid affair by saying Amy’s dad Mitch found Blake in Amy’s love nest and took him out with the trash.

This is all rumor and speculation, but it’s believable because Amy craves Blake almost as much as she craves a Tequila-crack cocktail chased by 12 pounds of pot. She’s never really been faithful to her favorite obsession, but Blaaaaaake himself has sired a child with another woman, so who’s keeping score?

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