Kimberly Coon
The Bachelor 15 contestant Kimberly Coon is a 27-year-old marketing coordinator originally from Orlando, Florida currently living in Charlotte, North Carolina. Kimberly’ background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Miami and a masters degree from the University of Alabama.
Here’s a brief but fun Q&A with Kim Koon from ABC:
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
iPod – music makes everything better!
Picture of my family – they keep me going
Sunscreen – I’m fair-skinned…too much sun=ouch!
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Thanksgiving – Food, Family & Football…What more could you want?!
Who is your favorite author?
C.S. Lewis
Do you speak any languages other than English?
Spanish – I used to be fluent, but lost it. I’m actually planning to enroll in classes as a refresher.
Tattoo Count:
Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
No. I enjoy romance occasionally but I think romance has the potential to blind people in terms of their feelings. But I do love thoughtfulness.
What’s your biggest date fear?
I hate when the guy is really into you, but you have no feelings/attraction towards him.
Check out all the other women competing for the heart and hand of Brad Womack in The Bachelor 2011! (Just click on the thumbnails and hop from woman to woman just like Brad gets to do!)