Lauren from The Bachelor 2011
The Bachelor 15 contestant Lauren is a 26-year-old high school teacher from Culpeper, Virginia.
Here’s a brief but fun Q&A with Lauren from ABC:
Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
A toy poodle, Gabby.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Halloween – I love the spookiness and handing candy out to kids. I always have my house completely decked out with decorations.
Who are your top 3 favorite groups/artists & why?
Lil Wayne! Taylor Swift because her songs are so relatable, Dave Matthews Band because their songs are calming and great to put on repeat.
Who is your favorite author?
Phillipa Gregory – She has great insight on the life and wives of Henry VIII and I’m obsessed with that part of history.
Tattoo Count:
I love it when my date:
Tries hard to show me their personality and shows that he enjoys my company.
What’s your best date memory?
Watching a meteor shower in a lifeguard stand on the beach.
Check out all the other women competing for the heart and hand of Brad Womack in The Bachelor 2011! (Just click on the thumbnails and hop from woman to woman just like Brad gets to do!)